Thursday, March 8, 2012

Creative Title Here

I got tired of talking to my dog and the various inanimate objects that surround me, and Facebook isn't really designed to just say random stuff (people seem to get mad), so I figured I'd start a blog. I won't even tell many people about it, if anyone. I'll just write stuff here. If you somehow stumble upon this, feel free to continue reading. This is mostly just to get my thoughts out into the air to aide in my own memory. I don't really remember stuff, so being able to read back on my past is interesting.


I don't have much to talk about at the moment. The sun is just now coming up after a long night of not doing anything. I haven't slept since yesterday, after sleeping until 5 in the afternoon. I'll probably end up sleeping all day today because I don't have anything to do on Thursdays. The weather is warming up, which means that it's time to start getting back into disc golf! My bike was stolen last year though.. So I have to find a new means of transportation. I kinda hope God could help send a new bike my way, but then again, I really am in no position to ask for things so selfishly given my situation.

The Orlando Project is coming up. I can't express how much I want to go on that. The experience would be invaluable, and I know I would learn so much on the trip. It would be amazing to hang out with other Christians my age, and learn. I'm honestly terribly lost in my walk with Christ. I don't know where I am, and if I think I have it figured out, I just go and screw up again. I could really use help, and direction. I might meet someone on that trip who could help make sense of things. Not only that, but working a full-time job like that would really pound some responsibility and experience into me. Something I would be able to use even after the trip is over. It would test me, and I want to be tested. I want to be tried. I want to prove to myself I can do something like this, so that I have the courage and motivation to start living my own life and take care of myself, and eventually a family of my own. I really, really hope I can go...

Music writing has been boring. Just ran out of juice, I guess. I'll find some sort of inspiration soon, probably. After I finished my first song in FL Studio, the sense of satisfaction kinda drove out my crave for creation. I've never been able to create a song that I was truly satisfied with until now, and it's a great feeling. Unfortunately, now I don't really have a lot of motivation to create any more. At some point, I will, but for now I guess I'm just taking a break. Music doesn't come to my head 24/7. When the music comes, it will be written. It's also very difficult and discouraging to attempt to use FL Studio, compared to PXTone; the program I'm used to using. I'm told that most people have to spend 1000 hours to use a program before they master it. I've only spent maybe 40... So I have a long ways to go, but I'll get there some day.

That's all, I guess.